Friday, December 18, 2009
Bipolar Type 2 More Condition_symptoms
The Conformist is like a tightrope walker who does not struggle to pass from one side of the rope. In the words of Gian Antonio Stella, the conformists are "ideologues electrocuted in the road to Damascus" a politician who has played for years in a faction, completely change his thoughts, his ideas, to marry the opposite direction. It 's like Jesus who converted to Islam, to shoot a big. But I believe that in proportion to the idea.
This conversion is done (by coincidence) the recycling of parliamentary elections. The 'turncoat', so affectionately called, or even 'flags' and 'swivels', at each election to make profit from the so-called "leap of quail, their favorite sport at this time. Between the Senate and House of Representatives have been counted at least 50 jumps, ie removals official until 2007. And imagine that the hobby of jumping has increased in large quantities at the threshold of 2010. "The characters leave their political party for diversions, for dissociation from the program guidelines, for failure applications of their protected activities for personal, but in no case I've heard one of them to resign from the role of institutions that their party had assigned "(Maria Caterina Pace, IDV).
He made no small scandal Mastella Udeur secretary, passed from Prodi to Berlusconi. The gossips are wondering whether it would be a nice little gift back for having brought down the Prodi government in 2007. But the voters of the PDL have turned on the official website, "we do not want turncoats in PDL , if we vote remains Clemente League."
According to Marco Travaglio and Peter Gomez , the turncoat has multiple "Ferdinando Adornato" Casini ex FI UDC hours, not so much for the 'entrance and' exit in the various political parties but for the continuous exchange of ideas and attitudes conducive to first left, then in favor of the right first against the detractors of the judiciary, then against the judiciary. His resume: Member of the PCI from an early age in 1993 was among the founders of the Democratic Alliance and in 1994 he entered parliament with the PDS and in '96 he founded the Liberal and in 2001 returned to Parliament, but with the right to force Italy makes him re-elected in 2006 and in 2008 passed the UDC and reapply.
but I think the cutest turncoat is Capezzone. On TV often feels his "us" as to give a set of entries manforte who think like "them." Yet that "we" when he said his party had the Radicals. He had also ventured to say, "Berlusconi is like Vanna Marchi." On Eluana, for example, had thundered seven years ago that "there is nothing to call" life "conditions" to Vista when that "will never regain consciousness, his being necrotic cerebral cortex 'having a' dead body (. .) fed with a nasogastric tube. " Three years later, was even safer: "It seems cruel that we have not heeded this father and this mother, who did nothing more than ask respect for the will of their daughter. " As for doubts over the "sweet death", as Girolamo Sirchia, was in no doubt: it was a "Taliban" who wanted "to impose on all of his fatwa." Rocco Buttiglione, Carlo Giovanardi, too! How could they denounce the law on 'Dutch euthanasia for setting up and die even children below 12 years, including infants with incurable diseases? "If we are not talking about dramatic things would almost smile at this behavior by sellers of fake Rolex. But the trouble is that you should be doing a sort of danse macabre in pain, dance propaganda around a dramatic question. " Man I knew, what needed to be done: "The 'Euthanasia is illegal in Italy and already comes from obscene and painful negotiation between doctors and patients." So "it is necessary to make a similar transaction to that .. that was made at the time of abortion: euthanasia must be brought to light, regulated and controlled." The unit also put in motion in 7 points of the Radical Party of which he was secretary.
Some 'Friends of the radical' time indeed recall that the then Secretary grintosissima secularist came there to throw the idea of \u200b\u200bsetting up a ship, sailing out of the water territorial offered to those who wanted the opportunity to have the sweet death unhindered right-clericals.
Is not it amazing that now think the opposite?
matter of seats.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Where To Buy Hd Loader
Religion, in any form, is an injury to humans. The story so far has always ruled in favor of those who think like me. Sic and simpliciter. Faith and religion have been manipulated by man to material objectives.
I made my many arguments of Russell in this regard.
In his essay "Why not a Christian " Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) requires serious reflection on religion as " the real reason why you accept a certain religion is because it is the same as professed by the community in which he lives, so is the influence of the environment that led him to accept it. Faith is not based on arguments, but on emotions. We can see the intensity of any religious era that has gone hand in hand with unprecedented cruelty and consequently to poor welfare. " We just think of the Inquisition and the many poor women burned by the fire of ignorance. Ignorance, yes. Because religion is a very conservative philosophy. This traditional and new arguments are categorically prohibits the light, continuing to foment fear about something or someone (in my opinion) does not exist. To better explain the religion, says a colleague of Political Science, "is like a black ball with their claws so large, that attaches to the neck and pulls you back" , something or someone you sail the eyes so I see what he wants you to see. Russell wants "minds and hearts open, non-rigid systems, old or new that they are" . The man believes in God alone for protection. The man believes in God for fear . And reason about, what comes from this fear? From something or someone we know very little, the fear is synonymous with ignorance . The Gucci also sings in some songs that now do not recall "ignorance is frightening, and silence equals death" . And who pulls the strings of the puppet called God knows that fear is a great weapon. For this reason, hampers and numbs the desire for knowledge. Russell can not be more clear: "In principle, therefore, it was fear: fear of the occult, fear of failure, fear of death. The fear leads to cruelty, and that is why cruelty and religion go well together. It is clear that the basis of religion because there is fear - whenever an accident happens - it turned his thoughts to God, wars, plagues, disasters and shipwrecks promote religion. But religion also tickles the vanity, pride, presumption " .
What more? The book is fantastic, it's like something to comb through, review and study, is like something juicy, interesting, but mainly the result of careful thought and refined, but above all rational.
conclude with the simplest solution that there may be a final tribute to the words of Russell, so convincing that I exclaim, "Yeah, 'just SO'!!!" to an empty room.
"The world does not need dogma needs to free inquiry."
Antonio Cardia for example, the original Catholic Church.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
School Carnival Food Ideas
always free and alive, makes love like an animal,
unconscious as a man pleased with his freedom.
Freedom is not star on a tree,
is not even the flight of a fly,
freedom is not free space,
Freedom is participation.
I want to be free, free like a man.
As a man who needs to explore with their imagination
and that this space is only in its democracy,
who has the right to vote and who spends his life being in control and delegate
has found its new freedom.
Freedom is not star on a tree,
not even have an opinion,
freedom is not free space,
Freedom is participation.
Freedom is not star on a tree,
is not even the flight of a fly,
freedom is not free space,
Freedom is participation.
I want to be free, free like a man. As humans evolved more
that rises with their intelligence.
that defies nature with the unchallenged power of science,
with him the enthusiasm of unlimited space in the cosmos
and convinced that the power of thought is the only freedom.
Freedom is not star on a tree,
is not even a gesture or an invention,
freedom is not free space,
Freedom is participation.
Freedom is not star on a tree,
is not even the flight of a fly,
freedom is not free space,
Freedom is participation.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Arabic Birthday Song Recording
Who is Silvio Berlusconi?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Online Dating And Pregnancy Games
Hello girls ... these days are busy, I divide between work and Christmas gifts.
not know about you but this time I'm super excited and taken by the anxiety of not being able to do all their Christmas gifts!!
I'll leave for five days ... for the second consecutive year I go to the Snow Week, which this year will be held in Marileva!
Last year we went to St. Moritz and I assure you that was one of the most enjoyable holidays of my life!
We are all children about twenty years, most university ... if you have never participated recommend it!
Who knows, maybe some bloggers will be Marileva this weekend ... let me know! I'll tell you
everything when I get back ... bye bye!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Master Bat In Women Causes
Friday, November 27, 2009
Bonjela Once How Does It Work
topics and key issues society are not even addressed because reactionary elements to impose their will on any change to the detriment of the change. An example is, on an ethical level, the influence brought by people like the Pope and religion itself, synonymous with hypocrisy in my opinion. An 'association that the basis on which something immaterial and sneaks in the political arena so haunting and compelling. The pounding thought is taken into account by all politicians because the crowd of loyalists to election becomes a row of voters prepared to vote against any insult to the Holy See .
be clear, I do not want to deprive the freedom of opinion, the Church, but also affect people with the ultimate aim of exploiting the ideas I do not just crabs.
If I'm wrong then I went aims ; close. Further the influence of conservative Benedict, Camillo and the result of bibles and candlesticks, the more you breathe fresh air. Scent of freedom. True freedom. Just think of France, Great Britain, not forgetting Holland, Queen of the flexibility of thought. A thought so free as to be almost cried and said no more softly for fear of being a lone voice. Freedom is not only a possibility of being better . He said Camus. So what are waiting to break free from dogmas futile and useless and savor the sweet taste dellla Freedom?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
How Much Gb Does Ps3 Use
Jose Saramago in his The Notebook "speaks as a haven of hope and dreams to skeptics . It 'has become over time (my modest opinion) related to a material need. Let me explain with an example . fervividi The believers never neglect the religious practices . catechism, prayers, communion. They believe that God, in an imaginary second life will give them happiness for eternity, the pact that they continue to pray and sing lullabies and chants in his honor. Behaviors linked by 'dissatisfaction of this earthly life, where God is not able to satisfy everyone's needs. So basically the hope is to have linked to some 'bliss in this life, in this world so material is synonymous with wealth, money, power.
And if hope was something tangible, that no more than "a mirage that deceives the eye and the mind", but something to touch and that you can actually reach us?
finish with abandon all religions with dogma futile and archaic chants recited by heart without knowing the meaning. Would therefore "the need for daily rock hope" that God is so kind to us. So in conclusion
saw that happiness is something that you can not touch, you can find but also lose, man relies on the supernatural to try to keep it. If it were something tangible and concrete, the need to pray a God would not.
I'll be back on the subject.
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Hello girls ... I'm not gone, but unfortunately my pc got crazy and decided not to upload photos! I think I will leave very soon ... starts to write the numbers!
In recent weeks a lot of things have happened but the best news is that New Year will go to London with my love !!!!!
'm excited ... I can not wait!
I decided to go with the half-empty suitcase and devote myself to a rampant London shopping =)
guess that many of you have already been to London so I ask for recommendations on shops, markets and department stores to rob. Obviously
point to buy cheap ... I remain faithful shopping low cost!
Good Sunday to all!
Ah now I go with my mother for a ride in downtown Milan ... SHOPPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Mest Sign New Pitcher
Who ever said that a law ad personam is not a good thing? We could stop lamenting the good old Lodo Alfano? It was a commend Alfanino, a small immunity he had just made his first cries. And yet this senseless minds "communities" are none other than judges of the Constitutional Court , have suffocated in their sleep. What was the problem? What we complained? Exactly, is unconstitutional. After what had to commend this bad? nefarious legal protection to the only one , Berlusconi, immunization processes and judgments. Now if the purpose of this order have not changed it is clear that Alfano revolves around the issue, resolving it with a fine Justice reform. It 's like saying "companied or soup or pan. Only now the reform is not on a personal . They realized their mistakes and not make them anymore. Excellent. In fact, the processes are now possible. For all . The proposed law says that after two years the process you should not do more. This is why thousands processes, including those on the major scandals of Italian Parmalat and Cirio in Argentine bonds, to Thyssenkrupp will all be extinct. "It 's the largest amnesty disguised in history."
So dear Lodo Alfano,
why do not you come back? WANT you here with us. No matter if you have defects unconstitutional, you're so perfect. Waiting for reply.
With nostalgia
Mauro Loddo
Dedicated to Thomas and Murgia Saramandy.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Black Diamante Fish Hair Combs
Friday, October 30, 2009
Scripture Tattoo Quotes
Uff I have a fever since yesterday ... it is not possible if there is a virus in the air strike just me!
High fever, bone pain and strange dreams (or hallucinations?) Are synonymous with sleepless night, and so was the night before!
now is packed with paracetamol and I hope I can sleep peacefully tonight!
Being forced to remain locked in the house this morning I had in mind to publish a post but I do not know what strange reason I did not publish the photos = (
The weekend started really badly!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Message On Work Anniversary Cake
Hello girls, I'd talk about my interview today in which he placed all my hopes to get in, finally joined the world of fashion communication.

Monday, October 26, 2009
How Do You Play Mount And Blade Multiplayer
Girls I have an interview with a designer ... could be the opportunity of my life, and more any other occasion, the question "What shall I wear?" is a must.
Initially the meeting had been set in the office and I do not know what strange chance, I would have felt more at ease, but today he called me telling me to introduce myself to her as a Senate press conference in Milan.
Panic !!!!!
not really know how to dress ... classic black suit, shirt and fashion a little more cleavage with black high heels??
I can not think of anything else .. please help me!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pre Paid Pyramid Scheme

Thursday, October 22, 2009
What Subwoofers To Install In A Grand Marquis

Just say his name to conjure up a magical, enchanted, cunning at times seems to have lost but who still lives in his straordianaria personality.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Macbook Reinstall Sound Driver
Having three bags at the price of it is not impossible!

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Proper Way To Eat Balance Bars
On 25 June (the day that Michael Jackson is dead: S) was one of the best days of my life ... I finally graduate!!
Needless to say, was very strong emotion.

Monday, October 5, 2009
Herpes Lesions On Forehead
For people like me who is passionate about fashion and would like to make their passion a real business there nothing more thrilling fashion week.