Friday, December 18, 2009

Bipolar Type 2 More Condition_symptoms

The jump of quail

The Conformist is like a tightrope walker who does not struggle to pass from one side of the rope. In the words of Gian Antonio Stella, the conformists are "ideologues electrocuted in the road to Damascus" a politician who has played for years in a faction, completely change his thoughts, his ideas, to marry the opposite direction. It 's like Jesus who converted to Islam, to shoot a big. But I believe that in proportion to the idea.
This conversion is done (by coincidence) the recycling of parliamentary elections. The 'turncoat', so affectionately called, or even 'flags' and 'swivels', at each election to make profit from the so-called "leap of quail, their favorite sport at this time. Between the Senate and House of Representatives have been counted at least 50 jumps, ie removals official until 2007. And imagine that the hobby of jumping has increased in large quantities at the threshold of 2010. "The characters leave their political party for diversions, for dissociation from the program guidelines, for failure applications of their protected activities for personal, but in no case I've heard one of them to resign from the role of institutions that their party had assigned "(Maria Caterina Pace, IDV).
He made no small scandal Mastella Udeur secretary, passed from Prodi to Berlusconi. The gossips are wondering whether it would be a nice little gift back for having brought down the Prodi government in 2007. But the voters of the PDL have turned on the official website, "we do not want turncoats in PDL , if we vote remains Clemente League."
According to Marco Travaglio and Peter Gomez , the turncoat has multiple "Ferdinando Adornato" Casini ex FI UDC hours, not so much for the 'entrance and' exit in the various political parties but for the continuous exchange of ideas and attitudes conducive to first left, then in favor of the right first against the detractors of the judiciary, then against the judiciary. His resume: Member of the PCI from an early age in 1993 was among the founders of the Democratic Alliance and in 1994 he entered parliament with the PDS and in '96 he founded the Liberal and in 2001 returned to Parliament, but with the right to force Italy makes him re-elected in 2006 and in 2008 passed the UDC and reapply.

but I think the cutest turncoat is Capezzone. On TV often feels his "us" as to give a set of entries manforte who think like "them." Yet that "we" when he said his party had the Radicals. He had also ventured to say, "Berlusconi is like Vanna Marchi." On Eluana, for example, had thundered seven years ago that "there is nothing to call" life "conditions" to Vista when that "will never regain consciousness, his being necrotic cerebral cortex 'having a' dead body (. .) fed with a nasogastric tube. " Three years later, was even safer: "It seems cruel that we have not heeded this father and this mother, who did nothing more than ask respect for the will of their daughter. " As for doubts over the "sweet death", as Girolamo Sirchia, was in no doubt: it was a "Taliban" who wanted "to impose on all of his fatwa." Rocco Buttiglione, Carlo Giovanardi, too! How could they denounce the law on 'Dutch euthanasia for setting up and die even children below 12 years, including infants with incurable diseases? "If we are not talking about dramatic things would almost smile at this behavior by sellers of fake Rolex. But the trouble is that you should be doing a sort of danse macabre in pain, dance propaganda around a dramatic question. " Man I knew, what needed to be done: "The 'Euthanasia is illegal in Italy and already comes from obscene and painful negotiation between doctors and patients." So "it is necessary to make a similar transaction to that .. that was made at the time of abortion: euthanasia must be brought to light, regulated and controlled." The unit also put in motion in 7 points of the Radical Party of which he was secretary.
Some 'Friends of the radical' time indeed recall that the then Secretary grintosissima secularist came there to throw the idea of \u200b\u200bsetting up a ship, sailing out of the water territorial offered to those who wanted the opportunity to have the sweet death unhindered right-clericals.

Is not it amazing that now think the opposite?
matter of seats.


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