Just say his name to conjure up a magical, enchanted, cunning at times seems to have lost but who still lives in his straordianaria personality.
E 'Anna Piaggi, the fashion muse of all times that with the irreverence of his style has seen, judged, valued, censured hundreds of fashion shows, always with the enthusiasm of those who never tires of being part of this fairy world.
And this is his secret, experience the lighter side of fashion, his imagination, his creativity preoccuaparsi without having to be part of a style labeled, coded and well appreciated by all. But basically what
if not inventive fashion, fantasy and play?
today have taken over words such as budget, management, marketing that are part of the fashion world but only its frame and not the essential part.
Until we see sitting in the front row of a fashion show Anna Piaggi will remember that fashion is primarily an 'art and his lecture will be renewed in the parade procession.
Anna Piaggi, the eternal muse, owner of 'esenza vital fashion.
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