Friday, May 23, 2008

Degree Clinical Protection Vs. Gillette Clinical

Hello John

Friday, May 23, 2008

Exactly 16 years ago at at 17 : 58, at the Km.5 the A29, a charge of five pounds of dynamite placed in a tunnel under the roadway near the intersection of Capaci-Island of the Females is operated by remote control by Giovanni Brusca, the hit man hired by Toto Riina.

In what is considered the bloodiest attack of the last century mafia closely linked to the subsequent attack in which he was the victim loses the judge Paolo Borsellino the life of Giovanni Falcone, his wife Francesca Morvillo, also a magistrate, and three police escorts, Vito Schifani, Rocco Di Cillo, Antonio Montinaro.

The rest is history, words are unnecessary, I just want to remember this sad day with a thought to a hero who paid with their lives the attempt to improve the country in which we live and where often it is hard to find people that make a consistent and fair reason for existing.

Hello John, will never forget you.


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