Saturday, October 30, 2010

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We interview ..: Welcome to Mission: interview Don Mimmo Parlavecchia

now popular mission, of which so much has been heard in our Parish Community in the last year, is upon us. To anticipate everything that will involve every parishioner, and not only, I addressed some questions to be responsible for the popular missions of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Don Mimmo Parlavecchia. Even if it is-is un'intervi media, which took place through the exchange of e - mail, Don Mimmo replied politely, mo-do in the short, but straight to the message. How to say ... The mission begins with these words!
What is the People's Mission and what it represents for you, missionaries, nuns and laity of the Precious Blood?
The Mission is an extraordinary message of the Word of God, made in a territory, to remind everyone of the spiritual meaning of life and love of God
It 's the first time you re-live the People's Mission in a big city?
No. A few years ago we preached in the city of Cagliari, Sardinia. Wonderful experience.
With what spirit to address the People's Mission in Bari, being responsible?
are the source of Bari and love my people! The spirit in which I live this experience is the same as other times, that is useless to be a servant of God and feel tools
Why the idea of \u200b\u200bpreparing the People's Mission to Bari?
You play at home because its developers have been my fellow missionaries who, like me, gift-growth in the work of the founder of St. Gaspar del Bufalo, Missionary to the people near and far.
Is there any aspect of the organization of the People's Mission to our parishioners who want to highlight? Some of the work? Some particular moment of encounter?
whole program has been studied in detail for the good of all, respecting the Directory of the Italian Province Missionaries of the Precious Blood.
What do you expect - and expect - as a congregation in this special event?
We expect that there is more solidarity within the parish community and more evangelism outside.
can give advice on how people and the faithful should live these days of evangelization?
giving more time to God through participation in Catechesis.
Considering the preparation for this mission People really believe that the Spirit of the Lord will give 'bear fruit in the future?
Only the Lord knows the times! We are not allowed to see fruit, but only sow the seeds.
At what points during this extraordinary experience? What climate would you like to breathe during these 15 days?
climate meteorologists to let him ... we like to just be companions of this journey with everyone.
What would you say to children, young adults, to bring this important event?
To all I say the same thing: taking in the Holy Spirit who is already in you. You will
by many cities to evangelize. By taking our priests that kind of situation you think you will find in our city, our territory?
We are not inspectors, the only proponents of truth. With your priests already we share together the in-vocation, spirituality and mission. My motto: "FORWARD WITH JOY!"


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