Ah life as an emigrant! When I came to New York the first time there was not even the idea of \u200b\u200ba coffee 'as they drink at the bar on the corner (who knows' what he said Mr. Nino ?)... oh my God, to tell the truth' there was not even a corner bar. It was from Dean & Deluca in Soho where you could order a 'express' or 'ma-kee-ah-to' that usually was a mess full of bad crap that money you could also read the horoscope . I remember that Parmigiano stolen from the suitcase to the side of customs. A friend of mine brought canned tuna every time she came back from the motherland. Well, not pativamo penalties that had suffered so many fellow countrymen, political parties, with cardboard boxes made up with string, on a transatlantic terror incuotevano certainly a nation that had for 80% of farmers. No, I arrived with a TWA flight from Malpensa, business class if you really want to be honest.
All Italians I met in America, including myself, a love-hate relationship with Italy: the pasta will not eat unless the kitchen we ... Nothin 'New York ... and nothing' as the mother washed and ironed by '... the bagel? best brioche! the brioche? let's take a bagel! In short, the grass is 'more and more' green and we all know this.
Even the information was sporadic at the beginning of phone calls made at home, on birthdays or holidays or death ... or you went to Rizzoli for a few dollars and bought it the day before the Courier cost to house one thousand lire.
Then came Rai International on which is not worth spending more 'than two words, sucks. And finally we are connected to the internet 24 hours at 24 with the world and also with the splendors and miseries of our house.
I must say that in recent years and I 'came to miss the constant curiosity' to what is happening in Italian politics. A 'cause we have a bad reputation (oh my god! you're Italian? who's running the country now? Answer: I have NO idea) and because it 'all of a sudden all the constants I grew up with are gone: the DC PCI, they are the M, Craxi, Spadolini, Andreotti (no, I think that is always there')... In short there 'was even a time when I did not even know who was the President of the Republic (if in doubt always say Sandro Pertini).
The last and sure to fall 'was Alitalia. For us expats transatlantic travelers hick there was always a flight attendant who treated you to fish in the face you put on? You back to feeling passed as the queues at the Post Office, 4 Italian, the fog, 10,000 pounds of fuel so that the Panda was always in reserve, family status or the certificate of existence: in short, unpleasant sensations but on the whole family so dear (I forgot my mother waiting for you at 3 am to ask where have you been ... and then brings you your coffee 'to bed a classic).
So I recently seguicchiato two events that are current affairs' in Italy: the 'sale' of Alitalia to Air France Aeroflot ... no ... no, the state subsidizes the ... boh? The fact is that someone will take over 'the management of the airline that the flag of the flag will have' just that: the flag. For heaven's sake, 'I'm not a huge nationalist, but when Italy ceased to participate in Eurovision ... well 'I must say that I was a little' bad. It 's a bit like saying that tomorrow the Royal Air Maroc deventer' property 'of Tarom! It 's true that Europe and' more and more 'units, which countries are impersonal, but' ... I do not know ... there 's something that I'm not going down'. Be that as it is, from what I read, this must be the migiore solution for an airline that does not work.
The second set of news about the government of our own country fall (tone), remix, elections, the guy with foo, foo ... with the Santache '? Berlusconi thief! Berlusconi president! Well ... 'na racket which frankly I began to think (not a good sign .. oh-oh. ...). Anyways' to throw them ': and if we gave Italy to France in management? bottom Sarkozy married Carla Bruni, the Italian '(modern Countess of Castiglione, if you ask me) ... become a new Cisalpine Republic! Or let us give to England, so 'those who are still boast of noble titles (wrongly) will do it right, no? And why 'no' to Sweden? Or Finland? There are: Iceland! Modern country, democratic, civil and puts us all riding bicycles and so we fight smog.
I do not want to go through defeatist, disinterested, indifferent ... but 'there is a cry from the heart to all Italians: give it away! You will see, as the hostess of Alitalia will be satisfied. At the worst to every householder WILL BE FOR 'right of a fjord on the Baltic.
with love
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