Monday, July 26, 2010

Dumont Dunes Accidents

What's in my summer makeup bag

After nearly two weeks of absence (days have been very challenging and full of emotions!) Update my blog listing the "must - have" make-up (of course in my opinion!) I always use in the summer.
First of all, in the summer I try to use cosmetics as little as possible, I love the tan and I think that makes us all more beautiful:) so my list is short and simple.

-------------- After Almost two weeks (the last days were very busy and full of feelings!) I update my blog by making a list of "must-have" of make up (in my opinion, of course!) Which I always use During summer.
First of all, During summer I try to use less makeup as possible, love the tan and I think That it makes everyone more beautiful:) I know my list will be very short and simple.

The mascara is the cosmetic use of most of all, sometimes I use just that. For about a year now use the Diorshow Blackout, and I am very well because it creates the effect of false eyelashes, which I like very much! the price is quite high (25 € approximately) but in my opinion is money well spent! ---------------
Mascara is without Any Doubts the cosmetic I use the most, "Sometimes I use only that. A year now I use "Diorshow Blackout" and it works very well Because It Creates the "false eyelashes" effect that i love! the price is a little bit high (about € 25) But in my opinion is Money Well Spent!

Staying in the eye, usually my make-up base consists, in addition to a large dose of mascara and a line of black pencil under the eye, outside. I tried several black pencils, lately I use a simple pencil Avon, the price is very cheap (2 € if I remember correctly) but writes very well. Unfortunately, this pencil I could not find the picture: (
Staying in the eyes-zone, my makeup base consists, in part from a big quantity of mascara, in a line of kohl under the eye, inside out. I've tried many kajals, Lately I'm using a simple Kajal by Avon, the price is very low (about 2 € if I remember well) But It writes very well. Unfortunately I have not found Any photo of this kajal.
regarding the basis, first ever stretch out a moisturizer, I recently purchased a base of Kiko and it's really good, makes "mat" the T-zone and illuminates the rest of the face (price € 13.50). After applying the cream, apply concealer on dark circles and any blemishes. Using a long time the spelling "Hide the Blemish" of Rimmel, I find it very good especially for its packaging, as you can see from the photo, looks like a lipstick.
To Last, apply a layer of mineral foundation powder. After trying different foundations, I found the perfect one for me Kiko. I can not stand the foundation cream, so this mineral foundation is the ideal compromise for those like me who does not want to give up the foundation.
Regarding the makeup base, first of all I put on a moisturizing cream, I recently bought a cream by Kiko and it is really good, it makes the T-zone "mat and the rest of the face brighter (price € 13.50). After the cream, I put on the "Hide the Blemish" concealer by Rimmel, I find it very good packaging ITS fort above all, as you can see from the photo, it looks like a lip balm.
Finally, i put on a little bit of mineral powder foundation. After HAVING tried many cream foundations, I found the perfect one for me at Kiko. I can stand cream foundation, I know this mineral foundation is perfect for people who can not give up using foundation like me.

On the lips of CK usually stretch out a pencil the same color as the color of my lips (not just on the edge!) And then a gloss always CK that apparently is in the packaging orange (and in fact I would never have bought it, made me try the job and I've changed my mind) but poi steso sulle labbra crea veramente un bel colore.
In alternativa a questo, stendo un semplicissimo gloss trasparente.
On my lips I usually put a lip liner by CK on (not only on the borders!), the liner is like my lips' colour, and then a lip gloss by CK that apparently, in the packaging, looks like orange (and I wouldn't ever bought it, but the assistant made me put it on and I changed idea!) but after having put it on the lips creats a very nice colour.
in alternative to his, I put on a simple transparent lip gloss.
Per le serate speciali, utilizzo anche gli ombretti, eyeshadow that I use most is the dark gray, almost black (to Collistar in the photo is really good! I have not found the right color, but the line is called "double effect eye shadow wet and dry, 13 €), which applies on the outside of the eyelid, which then blend with a white eye shadow that I put inside as well as illuminating the arch eyebrows.
I recently discovered another match that I really like, reddish-orange outside and white on all ' Procedure. It took me a while to find the perfect orange, but fortunately I found it, even at an affordable price, from Sephora (€ 10.50).
for Special nights, I use also eyeshadows, the one I use the most is dark grey, almost black (the one by Collistar in the photo is really great! I didn't found the right colour, but it is called "double effect wet and dry eyeshadow, 13 €) that i put on on the external part of the eyelid and then I soften it with a white eyeshadow that I put on the inner part and also on the eyebrow zone to light up.
Recentely I discovered another match that I like very much, orange (almost red) on the external part of the eyelid and white in the inner part. I spent a lot of time to found the perfect orange, but I found it, also at a reasonable price, at Sephora (10.50 €).
Summer indulges me a lot with the glazes, lately I love the fiery red and the blue "tiffany" launched by Chanel in summer limited edition with the name "Nouvelle Vague". For this color I found an alternative that allowed me to save a few euro, because Deborah has a glaze of one color, the only flaw is that the color is opaque, but a pass clear top coat solves the problem:)
During summer I Satisfy My whims with nail polishes, I like very much and above all fire red Lately "tiffany" lightblue Launched by Chanel in the summer limited edition with the name "Nouvelle Vague". I found a valid alternative for this color That let me Spare Some euros, "Deborah" has got a nail polish color of the examination, the only Lack Is that the color is matte, But A transparent coat of top coat will solve the problem:)

Finally, spend a few words about the two products that are part of my wish list and My hope will be soon, of course, both of Chanel: the coco rouge, I would like a color very similar to my lip color and nail polish particulière, already in vogue among the stars and from what I read on various blogs also very difficult to find because it is sold out: (
Finally, I talk about two of my wish list product and I Hope that They will be mine soon, by Chanel Both, of course: coco rouge, I would Like That in a very similar color to my lips' color and the "particular" nail polish, Already a "must have" Among the stars and As I read on many blogs, Also very difficult to find Because it is sold out: (

Well, now I'm going to take a bath in the pool:)
good evening!
Well, it's time for me to Have a bath in the swimmingpool:)
Have a good evening!
kiss kiss


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Flip Minohd Vs Ultrahd

Another exam passed .. YAY! Let me introduce myself

Hi everyone: D

As you can tell from the title I am very happy because on Thursday I gave the penultimate test before the holidays and wish it went well:) now I have to study for the last and then may I also finally say ESTATEEEEE

------- As you can see from the title of the post I'm very happy because i did my next to last exam before the holidays on Thursday and it desidered Went well:) now I have to study for the last one and then i can say HELLO TO SUMMER!

Thursday, after the exam I went to Milan city center to make a quick shopping trip (it was hot: D) \u200b\u200bI went to H & M where I found a beautiful bag to use for both the beach and to go out and a zebra pashmina (I recently fell in love with whatever it is zebra xD) and then after he came into shops without finding a costume that meets my needs, I found a cute zebra from Yamamay .. of course:)

On thursday, after the exam i went to the center of Milan to do a little shopping (It Was terribly hot: S) i went to H & M Where I found a wonderful bag That Can Be Used Both for the beach and to go out and a Zebra scarf (in these days I fall in love with everything having zebra stripes xD) and then, after have been entering in some shops without finding any swim suit satisfying my needs, I found a nice one at Yamamay, with zebra stripes of course :)

Bene, ora vi saluto con un outfit pensato per un beach party, proprio come quello dove andrò io fra qualche ora :)

Well, now I have to go but before that I show you an outfit for a beach party, like those where i'm going in two hours :)

Dimenticavo.. even if I do not think there is any foreign blogger who reads my posts for now, I decided to write the post in English (a little exercise never hurts!) that from now on you will find my post is written in Italian and English .. now it's all really:)

Good Sunday!
Almost forgot .. even if I do not think there are foreign bloggers That read my post yet, I've Decided to write posts in Inglese too (some exercise is always good!) from now on I'll find my posts written in italian and Both Inglese .. well, now it's all for real:)

Have a good Sunday!

kiss kiss

Monday, July 5, 2010

Difference Between French Brazilian Wax

Hello everyone, my name is Martina, I'm 20 years old and I'm about to embark on this new adventure. I decided to start a blog to talk about my passions: books, music, film, photography and above all .. FAD. For many people this passion is very frivolous, because of this I decided to freely talk about it here, in a cyberspace where no one really knows me and where I hope someone passionate like me appreciate what I write, that goes badly, this blog has been also open as an outlet. I do not feel very good at writing .. but despite this, write it relaxes me and at times when I can not speak anyone, can also make me vent.
Well, after this sort of premise I'll talk a little bit of me.
What, am a girl (almost) twenty years old, study linguistic and cultural mediation in Milan this means that I am constantly traveling between Milan, where I have a very small apartment "vintage" where I spend the week and Novate Mezzola, a small village of 1500 souls, where I live since I was born and where I spend my weekends and school periods - off. What, for me as a passionate Milan fashion is fantastic, not a day goes by that I do not take the subway downtown and I go around the shops (although I can not always buy everything I see!) But I must say that when on Friday approaches, my heart fills with joy. Like back in my small town, with my family, my friends.
The fact that I like fashion does not mean that I can afford anything I want (especially when it comes to the "big names") but in my opinion there are many brands "low cost" (see first of Zara and H & , M) that have very nice clothes and everything else and very reasonable prices. Finding a lot of little things in these stores, focus my attention (and especially my portfolio) on shoes and handbags, for which I literally MATTA.
Leaving aside for a moment the fashion, I speak briefly of my other passions. Well, first of all I love to read, even if lately I have not much time! another thing is that I love watching movies, especially old ones, even in black and white (practically the entire filmography of Audrey Hepburn, whom I adore). Apart from films, I love the show, if I had to write all those who follow it would take an eternity! but my favorites are always Sex and the City and Gossip Girl (hence also my nickname Queen Emme, in honor of the legendary Queen B). My other passions are yoga and photography to tell the truth I'm not good at taking pictures, but I love capturing every significant moment of my life and why not, give us some retouching with photoshop when my creative talents can be heard: - )
Ok, I think I longwinded enough, the clock is ticking and my English exam is approaching and then the books waiting for me: (I greet you with an outfit that I thought for tonight. Polyvore I tried on the clothes exactly the same as mine but unfortunately I have not found anything.

- Printed mesh very similar to mine but I bought from Zara
- super skinny jeans blacks Ksubi very similar to my always Zara
- sandals blacks
Killah -
furla bag - black Chanel nail polish
- Diorshow blackout mascara (the best mascara ever, in my opinion!)
- Coco Chanel lipstick rouge
- bracelet avalaya very similar to mine but I bought Accessorize from

you soon!
kiss kiss
